Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Seventh Pay Commission SARKARI NAUKRI News - - 7th पे कमीशन की रिपोर्ट नोटिफाई, अगस्‍त से इम्‍प्‍लॉइज को मिलेगी बढ़ी सैलरी

Seventh Pay Commission SARKARI NAUKRI   News - 

7th पे कमीशन की रिपोर्ट नोटिफाई, अगस्‍त से इम्‍प्‍लॉइज को मिलेगी बढ़ी सैलरी

There shall be two dates for grant of increment - January 1 and July 1 every year - instead of the existing July 1 only.

नई दिल्‍ली. मोदी सरकार ने मंगलवार को 7th पे-कमीशन की रिपोर्ट को नोटिफाई कर दिया है।सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट के इम्‍प्‍लॉइज को अगस्‍त से मोटी सैलरी का तोहफा मिलेेगी। नोटिफिकेशन के अनुसार, सरकारी इम्‍प्‍लॉइज के लिए वेतन जनवरी, 2016 से लागू होगा और फाइनेशियल ईयर के दौरान एरियर दिया जाएगा। नोटिफिकेशन का मतलब है लगभग 48 लाख सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट के कर्मचारियों और 52 लाख पेंशनर्स को बढ़ा हुआ वेतन दिया जाएगा।
- गवर्नमेंट एंप्‍लाइ्रज को बेसिक सैलरी और अलाउंस में 23. 55 फीसदी का इजाफा होगा।
- इससे सरकारी खजाने पर 1.02 लाख करोड़ का सालाना बोझ पड़ेगा। यह सकल घरेलू उत्‍पाद (जीडीपी) का 0.7 फीसदी होगा।
- एंट्री लेवल पे मौजूदा 7 हजार रुपये से बढ़ कर 18,000 रुपये हो जाएगी।
- नए वेतन आयोग के तहत मैक्सिम सैलरी मौजूदा 90,000 से बढ़ा कर 2.5 लाख रुपये तय की गई है। यह मैक्सिम सैलरी कैबिनेट सेक्रेटरी को मिलेगी।
-अरुण जेटली ने प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में कहा था कि इससे इम्प्लॉइज की मिनिमम सैलरी 7 से 18 हजार तक बढ़ जाएगी।
- जेटली ने ये भी कहा था कि सभी क्लास के इम्प्लॉइज की बेसिक सैलरी 2.57 गुना बढ़ेगी।
- सरकार ने एलान किया कि सीबीएसई चीफ राजेश कुमार चतुर्वेदी को 7th पे कमीशन की इम्प्लीमेंटेशन सेल का भी इन्चार्ज बनाया गया है।
- सीबीएसई चीफ बनने से पहले राजेश सेल में ज्वॉइंट सेक्रेटरी रहे थे।
7th पे कमीशन की खास बातें
- 1 जनवरी 2016 से सिफारिशें लागू होंगी। फायदा सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट के 47 लाख इम्प्लॉइज और 53 लाख पेंशनर्स को मिलेगा।
- जून तक का 6 महीने का एरियर्स सरकार मार्च 2017 से पहले ही देगी।
69 साल में 327 गुना बढ़ी सैलरी
- पे कमीशन का इतिहास 69 साल पुराना है।
- 1947 में बने पहले पे कमीशन ने मिनिमम सैलरी 55 रु. तय की थी। तब से अब तक इम्प्लॉइज की सैलरी 327 गुना बढ़ चुकी है।
- बेसिक पे के मामले में यह 70 साल में सबसे कम बढ़ोत्तरी की सिफारिश है। क्योंकि इस बार यह 16% बढ़ाने की बात कही गई है। जबकि 6th पे कमीशन में बेसिक सैलरी 20% बढ़ाने की सिफारिश की गर्इ थी।
- पहले पे कमीशन में रेलवे के क्लास-4 इम्प्लॉईज की सैलरी 10 रुपए से 30 रुपए तक बढ़ाई गई थी।

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

JTET / JHARKHAND TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST : Para teachers protest again for regularization


Para teachers protest again for regularization

 Jan 6, 2016, 12.47 PM IST

Ranchi: Around 200 para teachers on Tuesday demonstrated near Morhabadi grounds demanding regularization of jobs and at least 10 protesters sat on hunger strike for an indefinite period. The para teachers claimed that they possess the Jharkhand Teachers' Eligibility Test certificates and have job experience of more than 13 years, "but still we have not been regularized".

Devnarayan Gupt, a para teacher from Seraikela, said, "Earlier, the government said we are not qualified for regularization. Now that we have passed JTET and have more experience than non-para teachers who cleared JTET, then why is the government not regularizing us." This year, 12,515 para teachers have been recruited as against 17,273 vacant posts in primary schools, and 3,153 of the 3,963 vacant posts in middle schools 3,153 have been filled.
While 50% seats of the total vacancies were reserved for para teachers and recruitment are being made on that basis, the para teachers still want more rights. "Validity of a JTET certificate is for five years. We passed JTET in 2012 and it's already more than three years. If we are not recruited now this would mean that all our experience and hard work doesn't count," said Manoj Kumar, a JTET pass candidate of Ranchi. se who have no experience. We do not care what the guidelines say, our only demand is all the JTET pass para teachers be regularised as we are more deserving."In August 2015, the para teachers had organized a huge protest and fast-unto-death to get regularised which was broken only after the government gave in to their demands of honorarium raise instead of regularisation.
School education and literacy department secretary Aradhana Patnaik said, "We have recruited around 8,000 para teachers . Recruitment is being done solely on the basis of merit and those who have not been recruited must not have fulfilled the necessary criteria."
"In the past, they demanded regularization but later settled for honorarium raise, a proposal for which has already been sent to the centre," he added.

 टीईटी / TET Teacher Eligibility Test Updates / Teacher Recruitment News

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

CTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - CBSE to conduct Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) on Sept 18


CBSE to conduct Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) on Sept 18

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the examination date for Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET).

New Delhi: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the examination date for Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET).

The CBSE will conduct the CTET exams on September 18, 2016.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the CTET to the Central Board of Secondary Education Delhi.

The interested candidates can submit the online application for till July 18.

CTET is necessary for a candidate to be eligible for appointment as a teacher for class I to VIII. Candidates can apply only online for CTET-SEPT 2016 on CTET website – www.ctet.nic.in

Submission of pnline application 22.06.2016 to 18.07.2016

Last Date for submission of fee through E-challan or Debit/Credit Card 19.07.2016 (before 3:30 PM)

Final status of candidates-check status and particulars of candidates whose fees received 20.07.2016

Period for On-line Corrections in Particulars (no correction will be allowed in any particulars after this date) 20.07.2016 to 25.07.2016

Download Admit Card from CTET website 17.08.2016

Paper-II will be held on 18.09.2016 - 09:30 to 12:00 hours 2:30 hours

Paper-I will be held on 18.09.2016 - 14:00 to 16:30 hours 2:30 hours

The CTET shall apply to schools of the Central Government (KVS, NVS, Central Tibetan Schools,

etc.) and schools under the administrative control of UT’s of Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli,

Daman & Diu and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and NCT of Delhi.

CTET may also apply to the unaided private schools, who may exercise the option of considering the CTET.

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CTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - CBSE CTET September 2016: Check out complete schedule here


CBSE CTET September 2016: Check out complete schedule here

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has published the exam date for Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) 2016. The exam is scheduled to be held on September 18. 

The candidates can check the detailed schedule here:


Submission of online application: June 22 to July 18
Last date for submission of fee through e-challan or debit/credit card: July 19 (Before 3:30 pm)
Final status of candidates-check status & particulars of candidates whose fees received: July 20
Period of online corrections in particulars (No correction will be allowed in any particulars after this date): July 20 to July 25
Downloading of admit card from CTET website: August 17
Declaration of results: Second week of November
Date of examination: June 18
Paper: Paper -II (9:30 to 12 noon)
           Paper- I (2 pm to 4:30 pm)

About CTET:

The CTET shall apply to schools of the central government (KVS, NVS, Central Tibetan Schools, etc.) and schools under the administrative control of UT's of Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and NCT of Delhi
CTET may also apply to the unaided private schools, who may use the option of considering the CTET
Schools owned and managed by the state government/local bodies and aided schools shall consider the TET, conducted by the state government. However, a state government can also consider the CTET if it decides not to conduct the state TET.
For more information, the candidates can visit the official website.

 UPTET  / टीईटी TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates /   Teacher Recruitment  / शिक्षक भर्ती /  SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS  
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